James is a Generation Y blogger who is learning AI, SEO, and affiliate marketing blogging techniques to earn some income. Initially it is both physically, emotionally and mentally tedious to manage his various medical conditions without a job.
For more than a decade of battling chronic illness of venous chronic skin wound ulcers, leg swelling and vein diseases like deep vein thrombosis (DVT), viscose and vascular vein, he learn to remain positive and proactive.
Currently, he restart The omniGenerations Blog project that focus to become a resource hub and supportive community where individuals can find guidance, share experiences, and access information about managing various health conditions.
Focus on three primary areas:
1) Mental Health & Neurological Condition
2) Physical Health & Chronic Conditions
3) Social and Emotional support
The Omnigens Approach advocates for an integrated approach to healthcare management .
Join us through our blog at omnigens.wordpress.com
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omnigens - simple holistic living beta | Profile on Benable
The omniGens Blog - Make Life Simple - beta
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For both benable.com/omnigens and www.omnigens.wordpress.com our content is reader supported. Things that you buy through affiliated marketing links help us earn commission. Part of the funds is for the blogger's medical treatment costs. These costs include venous chronic skin wound ulcers and various leg vein medical conditions.
Have a nice day!
omniGens’s focus topics
omnigens - simple holistic living beta | Profile on Benable
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who moved my cheese? by Dr Spencer Johnson
Published on 5 January 2025
omniGens’s focus topics
The omniGens Blog
The omniGens Blog is a mirco peer learning community wiki blog that focus on the holistic development for physical, mental, emotional and social support of our lives. The omniGens Blog leverages the collective wisdom of our proactive community in helping us to achieve a simple work-life balance and happiness.
At omniGens, we believe in the importance of holistic wellness and the interconnectedness of physical, mental, spiritual health, and personal financial health. Our micro peer support platform emerged from personal experiences with chronic health conditions and a deep understanding of the challenges that come with managing long-term illness care management and medical treatment.
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James Ang on about.me
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Benable.com/omnigens is a mixture of different affiliate marketing service providers
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